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Northern Georgia Second Women's Department
Unity Meetings
Our Supervisor of Women, Cynthia L. Mattox, has implemented a new intiative throughout the jurisdiction for the women. Our first Unity EmpowerMEnt Meeting was held at Memorial COGIC
Saturday, September 19, 2015 hosted by the South Atlanta and South East Birmingham Districts.
The topic was "Kingdom Agenda: Back to the Basics of Ministry".
We were blessed with a "POWER-PACKED" agenda and truly revived.
Missionary Training Curriculum
Presenter: Dr. Iris Davis, Co-Pastor Greater Faith Harvest COGiC
YWCC Training Curriculum
Presenter: Supervisor Cynthia Mattox
Workshop: Knowing the Heart of God through Followship and Leadership
Presenter: Evangelist Jacqueline Bryant, Chairlady
Words of EmpowerMEnt
Mother Dorothy Walden

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